• Peck@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I am a person who is victimized by homeless. If I had an instrument that gives every homeless a home, I’d use it, but I don’t have one. It’s not my job to create one either. It’s the government’s job. Now I’m given another instrument that allows me to move the problem somewhere else. I don’t care where it moves - it’s not my job to setup this system. I can only choose between my family’s safety vs some rando safety. I will ALWAYS choose the former. It’s not cruelty on my part - it’s just logic. People making these pro-homeless comments fall into 2 categories : 1. Not personally affected because they don’t live here or are rich 2. Have high tolerance of danger like those people climbing mountain without rope. I’m not one of those people so any instrument to deal with my immediate problem is welcomed.