What is your choice of hot drink between the two? A cup of tea or a cup of coffee?
I used to be big on drinking tea including herbals which was relaxing while reading a book or looking up about subjects in the I.T field for me.
But coffee? I drink it in the morning ready for my day and work search, keeps me upright that caffeine stuff but I don’t drink more than 2 cups due to caffeine contents.
I used to drink quite a lot of it in the workplace (Deadlines and projects tend to make you do that)
So what about you? Are you a tea enjoyer or a coffee enjoyer?
I think most normal, reaaonable humans agree that both coffee and tea are good, and that both cats and dogs are cute. People just have a preference and like to joke around about that.
I have to concede though, that are some legitimately crazy people who go 100% team XYZ and leave no space at all for the positive sides of the other team.