S knjigami, učbeniki, revijami, šolskimi potrebščinami in pisarniškim materialom vas v Mladinski knjigi povezujemo s svetom branja, znanja, navdiha ter užitka pri delu.
The Android app offers downloading of audiobooks, but only within the app and it has DRM.
I am well aware, but it is bullet proof as in they couldn’t restrict the OS from outputting audio somewhere else. For lossless DRM breaking, I’ll leave that to the more technically skilled person. I am more of a developer than a “hacker”
While it would defeat most if not all audio DRM, this would result in a lossy capture, whether by line-in or Bluetooth.
I am well aware, but it is bullet proof as in they couldn’t restrict the OS from outputting audio somewhere else. For lossless DRM breaking, I’ll leave that to the more technically skilled person. I am more of a developer than a “hacker”
Jack is minimally lossy. It would change the audio just from the DAC operation and the noise floor but otherwise be pretty good.