If you are keen on personal privacy, you might have come across Brave Browser. Brave is a Chromium-based browser that promises to deliver privacy with built-in ad-blocking and content-blocking protection. It also offers several quality-of-life features and services, like a VPN and Tor access. I mean, it’s even listed on the reputable PrivacyTools website. Why am I telling you to steer clear of this browser, then?
I know you fake mofos are the type to always need to get the last word because it makes it seem to other dumdums that getting the last say is somehow “winning”, but I’m leaving this link here for anyone who remotely might believe your take is a good one:
I’m not trying to win any argument, I’m trying to have a discussion. It seems to me that you’re not interested in that, so I’ll leave some links to relevant logical fallacies in a hope that someone going this far down the thread will make up their own mind using reason instead of emotion.
The link in the post above me is also great, I highly recommend reading it, especially the following from the person who wrote about it:
To be clear, I am not arguing that Eich’s intolerant beliefs be tolerated, I’m arguing that they’re irrelevant to the discussion about Brave browser (i.e. the Association Fallacy). By all means, protest against intolerance, be loud, and above all, completely discredit it through rational argument, and I’ll join you in that. But don’t become the thing you claim to hate by refusing rational argument. Articulate why his personal actions matter at all to the products his company makes, and why those can’t be evaluated on their own merits.
It’s not an association fallacy or poisoning the well if those things are actually being done, which has already been covered in the previous comments. Goggles is another current example of that.
You can go on and have your last word now, I’m done with your bad faith argument. I think there’s enough evidence in this comment thread by now for others to see you’re being disingenuous.