[US Energy Secretary] Mr. Wright said Africa simply needed more energy of all kinds, including and even especially coal, one of the most polluting fossil fuels.
[US Energy Secretary] Mr. Wright said Africa simply needed more energy of all kinds, including and even especially coal, one of the most polluting fossil fuels.
Yes, clearly solar power has no place on a continent spanning the equator that happens to have nine deserts. That’s crazy talk. /s
And I’m pretty damn sure wind power can be squeezed in somewhere as well. Just to round it off nicely.
B-B-But what if it’s not WiNdY aT nIgHt??
3D Checkmate!
In Görmany vee haev a zaying: “At night, it is colder zan it is outside” and I zink zat’s beautifull.
We also have the handy term Dunkelflaute / dark doldrums, (honestly sounds a lot better in English) for when our uncle Karl-Heinz needs to schwurbel / spout conspiracy bullshit concerning volatile solar/wind Zitterstrom / quivering power at a family festivity that we sadly can’t just leave, for fear of upsetting mom and grandma Helga.
Fuck me, I wish that wasn’t so damn accurate.