I guess you have to celebrate the good times when you can. For anyone who might be ardently following the adventures of Curse Avoider, I realized that I’m doing weirdly well today. No symptoms whatsoever. I had a 2h convo with a friend about their video game without even realizing until after it was over that I didn’t get queasy once. After that I took a shower and brushed my teeth – brushing and mouthwashing usually gets me on the brink of puking, but nothing either.

However I’m also not too optimistic about it. It’s possible that I’m just in a good period, or having just one good day. Tomorrow may be entirely different. If not tomorrow, then next week will probably swing back the other way.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the 2 anti-emetics I took on Wednesday, but they would probably be out of my system by now, 48 hours later. Or maybe it’s because I took my blood thinner right after eating, which I usually don’t do. I usually take it maybe 15-30 minutes before or after eating at the very least.

Definitely will have to repeat the last one again to see if it helps. But it can also be completely coincidental – I also had some good times last year without symptoms, and then they came back a few weeks later.

I’m supposed to meet up with someone tomorrow, make some pocket money (private IT work, it funds my caffeinated drink addiction lol) so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to do everything in one sitting because it’s gonna be a long job.