I was feeling pretty anxious all of last week because I had my first appointment with my welfare case worker today. If you’ve been following my posts you know why this is complicated for me. It’s not just the welfare appointments as well, they normally want you to open an unemployment file as well, and both of these give you monthly appointments every month. On top of all the doctors appointments I have to schedule and the problems I have that make it difficult to do too much in a week.

Thankfully my case worker was super nice and understanding. I explained my health problems (that the doctors say are not health problems), and she basically instantly waived the unemployment requirement and told me to focus on my health. I do have an appointment with her at the end of april to keep her updated, but this is manageable. she also asked if I preferred the afternoons and I said yes so I can manage my medication better (I had to wake up at 6am this morning just for the anti-emetics, and chose not to take the stomach acid inhibitor because I have to eat 1 hour after taking it. I can do that, but only for one day at a time).

That’s a huge load off my mind at least and I feel this rollercoaster is finally stabilizing. I have an apt with my therapist next week. I was yelling at her in my post last week but honestly the rest of the time she’s perfectly fine. It just bothers me that despite being a doctor she can’t prescribe me anything or make a certificate for anything. But they have their specialty and don’t/can’t stray from it.

The week after that I have the apt at the new hospital for a second opinion, and that’s basically my month of march lol. I can only do like one thing per week, maybe 2 if I’m having an especially good week (but you never know if it’s a good week until it’s next week), so it helps just being able to space these things out and that’s what I was worried about. There’s still a lot of work ahead for me, including actually fixing these symptoms lol, but at least things are progressing in some way.