Well that Website looks a bit strange (like a right wing propaganda site). I also don’t know why Finns would care about criminality in German Railway stations.
It is worth to note that German Railways has installed 360° surveillance cameras on all big stations last year which cover pretty much 100% of the areas there, so they probably just see more crimes than before.
Also there was Football Euros last year in Germany which probably also lead to more crimes due to emotions and alcohol
The information is coming from the answer of the federal government to a “written enquiry” (schriftliche Anfrage) of the far right AfD group (Fraktion) in the federal pairlament (Bundestag). Subsequently, the right and far right are using that information to paint the image of public places are becoming more and more dangerous.
It doesn’t appear to be quite as straightforward as this being a right-wing propaganda site. There is a variety of topics on the homepage. A lot of these topics are not obviously right-wing topics. I also found an article critical of the new right-wing Finnish coalition that apparently wants to institute “strict austerity”.
Nevertheless the page is really weird – the homepage includes a link to the Chinese embassy’s WeChat as well as a link to the Twitter account of the Saudi-Arabian embassy; neither is properly marked as an ad.
The site’s Twitter account was opened in 2013, so this is not some completely random short-term project either.
My guess is that they are simply publishing articles from various news agencies, e.g. this one from DPA.
As to the parliamentary inquiry that the article is about – Successful_Try543 is correct: The Afd runs masses of these inquiries trying to prove that Germany is about to collapse because of criminal foreigners. Through the quotes included in the article, there is an apparent bias in the article itself, as there are multiple Afd quotes and one from a CDU member.
The site is run by Ofiul Hasnat who came from Bangladesh to Finland in 2007 and started a Finnish news site in English more or less out of desperation by collecting news from foreign agencies and newspapers.
Well that Website looks a bit strange (like a right wing propaganda site). I also don’t know why Finns would care about criminality in German Railway stations.
It is worth to note that German Railways has installed 360° surveillance cameras on all big stations last year which cover pretty much 100% of the areas there, so they probably just see more crimes than before.
Also there was Football Euros last year in Germany which probably also lead to more crimes due to emotions and alcohol
The information is coming from the answer of the federal government to a “written enquiry” (schriftliche Anfrage) of the far right AfD group (Fraktion) in the federal pairlament (Bundestag). Subsequently, the right and far right are using that information to paint the image of public places are becoming more and more dangerous.
It doesn’t appear to be quite as straightforward as this being a right-wing propaganda site. There is a variety of topics on the homepage. A lot of these topics are not obviously right-wing topics. I also found an article critical of the new right-wing Finnish coalition that apparently wants to institute “strict austerity”.
Nevertheless the page is really weird – the homepage includes a link to the Chinese embassy’s WeChat as well as a link to the Twitter account of the Saudi-Arabian embassy; neither is properly marked as an ad.
The site’s Twitter account was opened in 2013, so this is not some completely random short-term project either.
My guess is that they are simply publishing articles from various news agencies, e.g. this one from DPA.
As to the parliamentary inquiry that the article is about – Successful_Try543 is correct: The Afd runs masses of these inquiries trying to prove that Germany is about to collapse because of criminal foreigners. Through the quotes included in the article, there is an apparent bias in the article itself, as there are multiple Afd quotes and one from a CDU member.
The site is run by Ofiul Hasnat who came from Bangladesh to Finland in 2007 and started a Finnish news site in English more or less out of desperation by collecting news from foreign agencies and newspapers.
Interesting! Thanks!