Due to Apple pulling ADP from uk consumers I think it would be fitting for us to discuss and suggest alternatives that our uk members could use and switch to.
Due to Apple pulling ADP from uk consumers I think it would be fitting for us to discuss and suggest alternatives that our uk members could use and switch to.
If you don’t want to self-host, consider Proton Drive, ente.io, or crypt.ee.
I use Proton Drive; it’s not perfect, but Proton has been around for 10 years. ente.io seems promising, but they haven’t been around for long enough. crypt.ee seems fine,
but it has the same problem as ente.io,and I don’t like their interface(Edit: crypt.ee has been around for 8 year’s).If none of the above options suit you, maybe try sync.com; they claim to encrypt all their files with end-to-end encryption.
Filen.io’s offer of cheap lifetime plans on Black Friday this raises a red flag for me, as lifetime plans are not a sustainable business model.
Both proton, ente.io and crypt.ee have been on podcasts I would listen to those before deciding what to go with.
Just want to say: Proton’s Android app sucks ass. I had like 1000 photos and I had to manually download 25 at a time, if I choose more, like 50 or 75, the app would never finish downloading it and the process randomly stops, even if I disable “battery optimization”. That is just horrible. Even something sketchy like Mega allows you to download like 200 photos at a time, probably even more (but I have not tried yet).
Proton Drive is absolutely horrid at photo sharing and storage.
If you’re on mac or windows i think the storage part is fine. But otherwise yes. In my opinion proton is the best alternative if you don’t want to selfhost.
Cryptee started in 2017, so around 8 years, I think it can be said that the are not new commers. It’s not as old as Proton of course but yeah I think you can not say they haven’t been around for long enough. ente started in 2020 so it’s been 5 years I think it’s starting to be fair to assume they can be sustainable for the comming years but it’s still relatively new of course.
Didn’t realize crypt.ee was that “old”. Ente.io is still a bit to new for me.
Yes ente is still new and haven’t released v1 yet but they are doing awesome work and I’m currently trying it, I hope they will sustain well and keep there mission’s core for the years to come !
yep! and now you can even self host ente!
Yes but if ente goes bankrupt even if the code is open and free (AGPLv3 if I remember correctly) it doesn’t mean that it will find maintainers and even if it does the nooby customers will have a hard time knowing and transfering to the new repo/fork. For these online services I totally understand that people prefer stability and sustainabilty over privacy. Remember CTemplar, Skiff, etc…? Companies like Proton, Standard Notes, have proven that you can run a privacy business for over a decade but that does not mean every privacy product or services will sustain that long.