This graph is important

It’s based on the writings of professor Cheng Enfu, President of the Academy of Marxism at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and Director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies of CASS.

Socialism and communism are not one and done processes. They are gradual changes, both Marx and Lenin have addressed this extensively. We can’t just instantly press the big communism button unfortunately.

Here’s a paper that goes way more in depth on the professor’s definitions:


    2 months ago

    Ceos dont have to make a profit. A business needs to make a profit

    This is just wordplay. If the business doesn’t make a profit, the CEO gets the boot, so the CEO makes decisions with an eye on profitability.

    you fundamentally misunderstand the role of a ceo.

    Why don’t you tell us what the role of the CEO is then?

    If you have a centralized authority over the economy then you’ll have a monoculture.

    By some meanings of “monoculture,” that is definitionally true. But that doesn’t mean the entire country is necessarily run as a monolith, because that centralized “monoculture” may set up any of a variety of power decentralization/federation/power sharing schemes.

    The fact is you do not need a centrally planned anything and having one actually prevents improvements.

    That’s a very strong assertion of a “fact” without evidence, and frankly sounds like something von Mises or Hayek or Rothbart or Greenspan would say.

      2 months ago

      Its not just wordplay. A business requires profit or it crumbles because it cant pay labor. A CEO is just a final arbiter of decisions for the business at the end of the day.

      You dont need a central authority to setup that infrastructure you described.

      And centrally planned economies are the rarity rather than the norm most economies are not centrally managed. The fact you think my statement about them existing without central planning requires evidence implies you have a lack of understanding about the basics of these systems.

      As for your name drops who cares? I Hardly give a shit about Liberal economic policies nor am i advocating for them. Fun fact the US is a centrally planned economy for the most part.

      You have yet to demonstrate why you need your centrally planned economy/government or why its something we should ever be looking to do. But honestly i dont particularly care to hear more lenin/marx regurgitated without critical thought on why its even relevant in this day and age when we know we can do the same things without the centralized government they advocated for.

      Honestly itd be wonderful if communists moved on to the more modern approaches to socialism and stopped wallowing in the past.