Hi everyone!

I’ve had my Hassio Yellow for a while and I am really happy with it – and because feck Philips and their spy-app.

However, I haven’t set up remote access yet because it seems really daunting and I’m worried I’ll make a mess. I am not bad with tech, but I’m not a computer engineer – and reading some Hassio texts makes me feel like I should, and I get easily overwhelmed…

I found the TOR add-on and I was considering that – but it mentions VPN, which I use, and to which my Hassio is connected.

My questions are:

  • Do I need to install the add-on if I use VPN?
  • If not, how do I set up remote access with my VPN?
  • Should I stop using VPN if I set up TOR remote access?

Thank you all in advance.

  • Norbi📷@social.tchncs.de
    3 months ago

    @wildflowertea No problem.
    Everyone started from about zero and learned by asking or reading.
    Normally your router does not support incoming connections. I can configure my router to forward an incoming port (from the internet) to my nextcloud instance. The ports would be 80 (http access) and 443 (https access). There are two modes of communication: TCP (establishes a connection) and UDP (sends data w/o connecting). Which port no (TCP and/or UDP) your router needs to forward depends on the VPN.