- cross-posted to:
- communitypromo@lemmy.ca
- cross-posted to:
- communitypromo@lemmy.ca
Got a burning question you want to ask someone from the US like “Why is the imperial system superior” or “Why is Texas”? Join us over at !AskUSA@discuss.online (!AskUSA@discuss.online for the mbin users) and find out the definitive answer. You can also just chat if you don’t have questions, because this is the land of the free and there are no laws 🇺🇸🦅 (there are actually, please be nice)
@gedaliyah@lemmy.world (pinging you because we had some discussions in the past about !lemmyapps@lemmy.world ), do you think we could maybe promote this community on !news@lemmy.world ?
!news isn’t really about questions or discussions, but is US-based, so that would help us reach the audience that !askUSA is targeted to