Border Police opened fire indiscriminately at a vehicle that tried to burst through a checkpoint, also firing 32 rounds into a taxi carrying a mother and her children. One of them, a little girl, was shot dead
Border Police opened fire indiscriminately at a vehicle that tried to burst through a checkpoint, also firing 32 rounds into a taxi carrying a mother and her children. One of them, a little girl, was shot dead
i like how they try to make it sound like the Israelis fired for no reason whatsoever, yet the vehicle tried to run through a checkpoint. that gets you shot at a large number of borders.
it’s sad that the little girl died. i think we can all agree on that.
A different vehicle tried to bust through the checkpoint. And they shot with all the accuracy of an NYPD cop and hit a completely different vehicle. Also, definitely don’t question why there are checkpoints in Palestinian territory, between two Palestinian towns in the first place.