I don’t care if my mail is still warm when they put it in my mailbox.
I don’t care if my mail is still warm when they put it in my mailbox.
I like to do a fun exercise every time I read something like this.
Swap the word for who you are accusing with some other group. If this make the statement distasteful then the statement is distasteful in it’s orginal form.
The Left like to blame men, the right like to blame immigrants so for example: “it’s a shame immigrants love to commit murder”.
Why is it okay to say men love to murder but not immigrants?
Difference between communists and Nazis is that one of them lost a world war.
I’m not a regular at the doctor’s office yet. Last year I came 10 minutes early and the doctor was on time.
After over a decade of using it exclusively at home and partially at work I still googled how to add users to a group last week.
What happens if a human is deliberately trying to fail the Turing test? Are we better at pretending to be machines than they are pretending to be human?
Does a new one every few years count?
They should not be that warm but it’s about the limit of what is comfortable to touch.
What’s the melting point of the regular filament? You’re supposed to touch the oven knobs it so it’s probably not much higher than 50 degrees.
Was there not a passage about how he washed feet or something?
I’d say blöt and degig translates to wet and doughy and they are about as close as wet or doughy. Maybe a nuance we’re missing a word for in Swedish.
Do we have a word for it? Google translate suggestions are unsatisfactory to me .
Fill in the paperwork for a darwin award first.
Best case you’ll rear end your intended target.
It’s against my morals to use another persons mental anguish for my own amusement, but if she annoys me for years even after I’ve brought it up with Susan from HR I would eventually do that.
Hannah, because in a few months she won’t be just engaged so she will turn less annoying.
Also Wallace. I generally don’t mind old people. Maybe I’m getting old myself but stay off my lawn!
If you pick one you’re 5% likely to pick the right one and be 100% correct.
You’re 95% likely to pick the wrong one. Then you miss the conspiracy that is true and you believe in one that is not true so 18/20 = 90% correct.
Average out the probabilities and it should turn out to be something like 90.5%.
Edit:I may be off on the maths now that I think about it.
If 1 in 20 conspiracy theories are correct then you’ll be 95% correct if you disbelieve all of them.
If you pick one to believe in you’ll be about 90% correct on average.
If you pick 10 you’ll be about 50% correct.
It’s only chaotic evil if you use it as such.
Could work as a televangelist for constipated people.
I use Linux because it gets out of my way and lets me get things done.
To you Linux seems to be the thing that needs to get done…?
Isn’t one argument against GMO that they could spread and outcompete other crops? In that case a terminator gene would even be a good thing?