Terry summed it up well.
I still have fun with it, plenty of full servers to be found.
Terry summed it up well.
I still have fun with it, plenty of full servers to be found.
Both shows are at the top but Deadwood’s dialogue has a deliberate rhythm to it that is unmatched. If you get on it’s wave length you’re in for a treat. I watch it at least once a year and never grow tired of it.
David Milch the creator details his thought process on the rhythm of the dialogue and the push back he got with use of obscenity here: https://youtu.be/F2qk7W8_KLE?si=LxeRNs2N_-kzKiGb&t=1196 (20:01) Once he’s done answering that question (around 29:00) i’d stop watching if you haven’t seen Deadwood as there are spoilers later in the talk.
We better adapt soon becuse the village is dead and it isn’t coming back.
I feel like I can still navigate through it because I did the previous levels but the difficulty is definitely higher.
We’re now on level 35 and n00bs are still coming online. A kid or grandma have no shot at defeating the boss AI video or deepfake on this level, hell I don’t even have a great win rate on them.
And you get crucified by them if you bring it up.
I understand battling the pull of phones and tablets with kids is hard but you’re lying to your self if you think it’s going to work out ok if you give in, every other kid has one how bad could it go really?
We all know this yet the ones with kids who need to do something about it don’t, as a result kids are getting dumber by the year.
TV had a limited capacity to mess kids up and it largely didn’t. Youtube and the internet on then other hand are in the vast majority of kids pockets with 0 restrictions.
Reading the first hand reports of what this looks like from /r/teachers will black pill you on the future quicker than any post on climate change or war.
Yeah storage is cheap but I last reformated my boot drive in 2017 so my root partition is 20GB and now I have no room for Flatpak. Now I could just resize it but wheres the fun in that.
TL:DR “A 20GB root partition ought to be enough for anybody.”
Newer monitors are also good options. Usually they have enough HDCP compliant ports these days and none of the bullshit.
Pair with a sound bar or surround sound system and you got a great setup.
How can this be a legally enforceable contract?!
I’d like to think it can’t be but it’s the US so who knows.
Changing the terms after buying the device and in a way that your kid could accept them by hitting ok on the remote is bonkers.
I’m definitely doing it. Worth the cost of a stamp.
I don’t even have a Roku TV just an Ultra hooked up to a monitor so not a lot to lose but it’s the principal of the thing.
This was talked about briefly in October but it’s still flying under the radar imo. The Oct 7th attack took place on these very left leaning pacifist communties who believed in peace and liked to work with the Palestinians and their cause, more than most Israelis.
Many of the kibbutzniks who experienced October 7 can’t bear to hear Arabic and want to see Gaza erased.
The trauma is stronger than their worldview
I was wondering if it might push those with that pacifist/hippy outlook on life to change and it appears it has.
When even the hippies are yearning for scorched earth tactics it doesn’t bode well for winding down of military operations anytime soon. It also makes me think we’re far more likely to see more serious military action roll into Lebanon within a few months.
TL:DR RIP peace. We never knew ye.
Like, why dont people who can just move?
Kind of a catch-22.
America is the best country in the world, if you’re rich. Once someones earning a lot and saved up move to New Zealand money the appeal isn’t as strong for most.
immediately go for northern europe
Oof. That’s akin to moving there in 1938. Bit of a risky proposition to say the least.
I wouldn’t move there now if allowed and I don’t even have illegally move to Mexico money.
Ironically this is how dogging got started.
People had no entertainment that summer and took to the car parks to make their own.
Reading the title I was like man the Onion is getting a little edgy until I read the source. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Russia at war will always be the bigger story. It threatens Europe and the west in general.
I remember when I did the switch in 2008 and never looked back.
I wasn’t far behind you. My first laptop around that time came with Vista installed. Didn’t take long for me to switch Ubuntu after that, haven’t been back to Windows since.
Wow that’s about one civilian
Exactly. It’s extremely low for such a high density location. Bombing is neccassary and the civilian death toll will never be 0 but less than 1 death per bomb is stellar considering the bombs are up to 2,000 pounds and capable of leveling entire buildings.
Israel is the entity responsible for blocking supplies from entering Gaza, so yes.
I love how the Egyptian border with Gaza always gets forgotten about. No Arab country actually cares about Gaza but they do love to use them as pawns.
The bombing of Dresden is also a war crime.
Are you posting from Argentina?
And what makes this situation genocide is the willful military targeting of civilians
As of December 22 Israel struck Gaza 22,000 times since Oct 7th and yet the civilian death toll during that time was 20,000. Do you honestly believe Israel was trying to kill civilians looking at the numbers? It defies all logic.
If they were “willfully targeting civilians” as you claim the number of dead would be in the hundreds of thousands. The reality is Israel warned people to leave areas it was targeting. It actively avoids civlians, hence the low death toll.
and destruction of all civilian medical personnel and infrastructure among many other things.
You say medical infrastructure while ignoring the Hamas base inside. Like it or not hospitals become valid targets. They’re not a safe space for Hamas to kill from.
the mass starvation imposed by Israel
As stated by Palestinians on the ground Hamas steals it but somehow Israel is to blame for that as well? https://youtu.be/NBjvYkNzuAA?si=uyjkIc7d6UMsnnqV
Life in Gaza will not improve until Hamas is destroyed.
I’ve noticed routers in recent years have default passwords like “wristrhino040” printed on the sticker on the bottom. I suspect we’ll see more of that.