so America bans tiktok for the same reason china bans Facebook
so America bans tiktok for the same reason china bans Facebook
usually when a thing is reversed due to outrage, the entity will simply wait a few months to quietly put said thing into effect again
i hope he never gets caught
authorities remain unclear about the motive
the authorities are fucking idiots
deleted by creator
“amounts to” meaning what exactly
i truly loved living in the united states but damn it seems really easy to go broke simply by getting sick
they tuned out years ago. that’s why he’s president again. who even cares about anything at this point? fuck it.
I can’t say one way or the other, but I imagine that if you weren’t going to vote then you wouldn’t show up under these circumstances
thanks for the recommendation. i suspect some of the issues are instance related
unanimously, but only 190 of 300 showed up to vote. i imagine supporters of his probably stayed home.
and the military is refusing to honor the parliament vote.
everyone in government and in business here in vietnam is stealing and scamming. everyone knows it, and it’s done openly. you only get “caught” when someone important doesn’t like you anymore.
wow big take there sir
they would both get thirsty pretty soon if nobody came to rescue them from the dead body apartment
it works better than twitter
Mastodon is broken as fuck for me. I don’t know if it’s my instance, or the country I’m in, or what. The app mostly just spins and hangs. It’s been like this for a year. I’ve never been able to see who other people are following, which is something I like to do to discover new content. I’ve never been able to view videos that people post. I joined in 2020 and I’m probably just going to delete my account.
they can also add rules to restrict the number of polling places, resulting in disproportionately long lines in cities where democrats live