This just in: Anti-DEI initiatives prevent the explicit inclusion of stdio.h
Administration officials were quoted as saying “fclose(government)”
This just in: Anti-DEI initiatives prevent the explicit inclusion of stdio.h
Administration officials were quoted as saying “fclose(government)”
As in WoW, in real life if you’re going to get hammered having a healer nearby is a good choice.
I’m not really sure what you’re saying in the first part here. Not liking a show’s gimmick is a completely acceptable reason to not like the show. You agreed that it was acceptable to dislike the gimmick but you don’t like people citing the gimmick as the reason they didn’t like the show?
tract. though there’s a joke in there about calling it a track when you have the runs.
Directions unclear: cannot determine which side goes towards enemy.
Translating structured logic into spoken language is iffy. (I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself)
The code reads to match OP if stated as: “If and only if the value of ‘a’ equals 1 then set the value of ‘b’ to equal one.” Placing the conditional at the beginning of the sentence maintains the correct dependency.
That’s the “Worf Speed” filter. Common mistake.
Star Fleet on a chicken seat
There still being a crosswalk there is a reasonable excuse, but I think it’s more simple. The less complex the traffic rules are the easier they are to build signage for, learn, and follow. Everyone stops at the stop sign. Plain. Simple. Easy. Safer.
The elfs are in the business of making perfect counterfeits. It’d just be bad practice not to mark them as made where the real stuff is.
Declaring a state of war is not necessary for the laws of war to apply.
This seems like a practicality thing. As did Dare Devil, Toph moves in very precise, high speed ways; as if they weren’t blind at all. Teaching the actor their moves and keeping those motions safe at speed is just easier with a sighted actor.
But you’ll have to pronounce it as Aariwona
Is the keyboard not bluetooth anymore? The computer would have to be on to connect to a bluetooth device. If they still had wired keyboards on the other hand…
It’s right there in the name, it shuts off for the night.
And that polygons should only consist of straight lines.
In the polar regions there are extended periods of wintertime where the sun does not rise.
Poisons are ingested where as venoms are injected.
If you bite (or drink, etc.) it it’s poison. If it bites (or stings, etc.) you it’s venom.
But if you don’t vote for a dog the wrong type of dog might get elected!
March 15th is a Saturday. Most things are already closed on Saturday.