What sets this distro apart?
What sets this distro apart?
With π=5, calculation its hawking radiation.
Compare apples to apples
According to them, OF is a social media platform. Yikes.
Try changing the Display Manager from GDM to something like LightDM. There are some issues with GDM on some systems.
Would make a great album cover tho.
Ironic that BBC reported it.
The lack of close button makes me believe this is not true.
If no harmful byproducts are produced, can we this to evaporate Plastic?
I stopped doomscrolling and let me tell you i feel really good.
I didn’t knew. I thought it was co founded by him or something.
Okay good.
Is it still owned by LTT? I don’t particularly like this LTT though.
I know, I wanted to try a ground up GTK one.
Dumb name tbh