5 days ago33M - USA:PA
Personality: Dorky - Silly
Hobbies: Games (PC) - Fiction Writing
Likes: Motorcycles - Anime - D&D - Anime
Random: Short - Volunteer
If you of anyone needs help, let me know, I drive/ride all over PA and volunteer. Habitat for Humanity, Soup Kitchens, Meals on Wheels, Etc.
Sadness. I’m allergic but I just take medicine every morning and before bed, totally worth it Lol
Yours are super cute too! Are they both boys?
Sushi (licker) Tamago (lickee)
Thanks! He’s usually trying to be a sleep scarf and slowly suffocate me but but day he was being good.
Aw, what happened to your cat?
Found Earth’s version of Skinner