Is that really what it needs though?
Is that really what it needs though?
Who Lucas? I mean name me one young guy with money who wasn’t thinking with his dick. I’m sure that’s why his marriage fell apart but he’s an old man now, with a new wife and a new Outlook who I’m sure has very little in common with his young self.
I say this as a guy who is finally reaching the age where I don’t want to fuck every woman I meet. Where I no longer need a new girl all the time. It feels like I’m an alcoholic who is slowly losing his taste for it and I feel great. People grow up.
Yeah he’s the pretentious friend that can’t watch a movie until he’s messed with the color settings for like 10 minutes.
“I will intentionally film the entire movie with the lense cap on. If you can’t see the movie, that’s your problem. It means you’re not a true cinephile like me. Movies weren’t meant to be watched”
Tosses scarf
-Christopher Nolan probably
Fun fact, this guy is an ex wrestler named Ryback. I say ex wrestler because even though he’s not retired, nobody will hire him. He’s bat shit crazy.
It’s a Werther’s originals flavored mcflurry really, so not that hard to name it
What’s crazy to me is that if you go to a smoothie place, they add sugar. I have to specify that my mango and fruit smoothies don’t require additional sugar cause their recipes add it for some reason
I hear he got a couple of new assholes poked into him. 22 to be exact. Regrettable but I won’t shed a tear
From what I remember, original star wars was filmed in London and Lucas didn’t realise until after filming that there wasn’t a black actor in the whole movie, which kinda dismayed him and led them to hire James Earl Jones. This is also why he specifically created Lando for Empire. Lucas has always been aware of the need for diversity and was one of the earlier proponents of it, it’s really silly for people to imply Lucas is racist. The only modern movie he’s ever directed was literally about a squadron of black pilots.
Why? Are all heterosexual people your enemy? Why go after them because of what Musk does?
-He really has an ugly face.
-He is certainly ugly.
-But, you know what, that’s not really what bothers me about this. What bothers me is that he looks like an old woman.
-Right! Well, he is wearing a lot of blush on those cheekbones, but I feel like that was the look of the times.
-No, no, but it’s not just that though, Mac, it’s not.
-I mean, a lot of presidents somehow end up looking like women. I mean, look at Ronald Reagan, right?
-Now, why would you hang a painting like this on your wall?
You PC gamers are such noise in the air, know it alls. Then you wonder why we all ignore you
Which is odd too. I can’t picture Peter as a captain of industry. He’s brilliant but lazy remember? He’s not a leader. He’s that kid that forgets to turn off the oven, or runs off to chase a criminal instead of going to class. That kind of lifestyle doesn’t Jive with Spidey
So pointing out the truth about capitalism makes me that guy? I would say you’re that guy, but you’re fighting of facts and numbers because you mad
I’m simply stating the issues that are brought up by the game companies themselves. At the end of the day you don’t have to believe them but you have to accept that they’re capitalists, and if they’re not interested in the PC game market, it’s because it isn’t profitable or worth going after.
The new Holland trilogy is for sure gonna be deadbeat Peter since nobody remembers him now. But yeah in the 80s and 90s comic he’s in space doing missions with Avengers, then in NY struggling with rent. Made no sense to me. Even worse when he couldn’t afford rent but he had a damn Spider car!
I bet you think HD TVs and wifi are a gimmick lol
As a kid I always wondered why spiderman had to struggle for rent. I get that is part of his charm, but can’t the city of NY give him a stipend? Can’t Tony start pay him a salary? Damn Tony just give him one of your penthouses. Reminder that when Tony died he could have changed Peter and May’s entire life if he had just left a crumb for them in his will.
Apes love playing with puppies, they got this.