• 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Dough is a great discussion topic to explore.

    Once I learned to make dough, I realized it’s actually a total of 30 minutes work distributed over 4 hours. Reorganize and re-prioritizing my time made it work. Simple planning.

    If I make dough, I make 2Kg so I cut it up, freeze the chunks I wont be immediately using and I have dough for as long as I need. Why make new dough every time? Batches.

    It’s way simpler than you guys think. Scoffing is fun, but getting off the “convenience train” was the best thing I ever did. Requires a bit of upfront adjustment and learning, but change isn’t free.

    edit: Another guy above was mean/joking about not having a job. Think, guys. If I save $300 on bread that’s $300 I don’t have to earn at work and pay taxes on. I win big for just learning to stop the bs already and take control.

  • In full forensic accounting, you make/save money by getting off the “convenience” train.

    Once you realize that a checkerboard costs $5 but a piece of paper and 24 pennies costs… well nothing… it starts to make more sense. Because most stuff in life, you use once then throw away or stuff into the closet and never think about again.

    Breadmaking is just one great example. If I save $300 by making some bread I have to earn $300 less at work. I work less now.

  • Oy.

    Yes, these self-reporting polls have been used for decade as one measurement device. They were fine when it was self-evident what “smoking”, “drinking”, and “drugs” meant.

    Now the issues are far more complex and nuanced, and we now live in a world where the pharmacological knowledge of today’s random 14yo outshines what I would have learned in 2nd year university in the 90s.

    Kids drink cough syrup recreationally because “that’s not drugs”. We still live in world of denial where benzos are “drugs” but alcohol isn’t because idk I guess the active molecules are suspended in liquid?

    Young people have been propagandized and lied to, to the point many don’t even know if they’re “smoking” or not.

  • As a person with a grab-bag of disorders, I do get it.

    I have been on my own journey of going from a great technical communicator, to a great human communicator. There’s a big difference that I wasn’t able to see before.

    One of the things I’ve discovered is that in irl interactions there is an undesired aspect of “heavy lifting” that has to be done on “your” side. That involves a lot of “listening” to how what you are saying is being received, and then on-the-fly recognizing and adjusting to that.

    I used to resent that and feel I shouldn’t have to and that other people should be able to “hear” me “plainly” without transforming it through their own emotional framework first. I’ve since learned that was naive and self-centered of me - A denial-based assumption on how communication works, that honestly for me looking back, was me being lazy.

  • I just don’t anymore.

    I don’t buy a wire- or mechanical- puzzle I make one. If I want a tile-based game (think scrabble, qwirkle, rummy) I make them with upcycled junk and paint markers.

    I don’t buy bread or pizza crusts or tortillas, I make them. I can make a month of bready products in an optimized hour of work for 1/30th the price.

    I play indie games by inexperienced developers who charge $4.99 because I’d rather try new mechanics even if they fall flat.

    I’m currently precipitating copper into an aqueous solution on my stovetop and later I’ll try electroplating the copper onto some random thing. Because this is free and fun AS FUCK. Forget going to the arcade or to a pre-packaged event show or movie.

    I am just drifting away from everything that’s not hand made. Fuck it already.

  • I moved from MB to QC in 1999-2003 and I was so shocked by the differences I ended up giving my car to my sister back in MB.

    Metro to work would be like 25 minutes including walk, where vehicle to parking to work would be like 1 hour.

    edit: It didn’t last because I ended up shacking up with a woman who was too lazy to walk a block, so we ended up with another car. Yay. Now I get to spend 2 hours of every day constantly shoveling parking spots and driving in circles looking for parking :/

  • I just want to share my perspective. I just had my car totaled (not my fault) and I decided to bank the insurance payout and not rebuy, and see what it was like. I didn’t think I’d cope since I’m now 50 and had a car my whole life from age 16.

    I’m actually a little shocked to say I don’t I miss the car, and further I actively enjoy not having a car anymore. It did necessitate rearranging some of my habits, but now I save a shitload of money and I seem to find it more convenient in more ways than I expected. And it’s just so much less stress and worry.

    I’ve never been fitter, and the freedom from lugging it around, gassing it up, washing it, maintaining, finding parking, blabla saves me time and bother almost everywhere. I stress so much less because of constant vandalism, and needing to seek stable non-ticketed parking at friends’ places and at my apartment.

    There are times I need to do a big shopping thing or just go to the beach, I rent a car for a day. I don’t need to live a life of deprivation I just re-balanced things. If I need to go out for some special occasion I cab/uber round trip.

  • Not everything is ADHD and I do not mean that as an insult or invalidation of you.

    Some people intuit that “spirit of adventure” means NOT planning every detail, worrying only about essentials, and rolling with the punches. The opposite of “spirit of adventure” is having controlling expectations, task lists, and arbitrary deadlines, over what is supposed to be a pleasurable day.

    I know that I am “wear bathing suit, toss towel in bag, head to beach, figure rest out” type of person. My pleasure of beach day is ruined by 2 days of pre-planning, a day of driving around for supplies, 2 hours of packing, carting coolers of shit to a spot we’re now chained-to, and so forth.

    When planning the activity overwhelms the activity… maybe you’re not the one with the issue.