Oh, and if anyone knows why pfBlockerNG might fail to update some DNSBL AND IPv4 feeds during cron events, I’d be forever grateful. I’m getting tired of my router crashing every hour.
Oh, and if anyone knows why pfBlockerNG might fail to update some DNSBL AND IPv4 feeds during cron events, I’d be forever grateful. I’m getting tired of my router crashing every hour.
Hisense. Name and shame baby
*with Google’s TV OS
It’s absolutely no different! The TV is doing something weird to get around it, or these ads are just cached from earlier. I’m not sure yet. Good news is that the ad blockers definitely works, we’re getting 96/100 on https://adblock-tester.com/
Yeah I guess the superbowl is soon, there’s another row of football ads one or two rows up. I’ll remind myself that I paid for the TV, the electricity to run it, and the bandwidth to connect it, yet I’m still shown full screen ads first thing when I turn my TV on. And I don’t even watch football. And I can’t disable it.
Corporate America and gargle my balls
Anybody have a mirror link? It’d be a shame if I accidentally downloaded it.
Reading this literally made me feel a little queasy.
Awfully reminiscent of the trouble the NASDAP had trying to draw the line between Jews and non-Jews. It made them look like fucking idiots, and I hope to hell history treats the GOP the same way.
That’s what we said about COVID and absolutely nothing improved fundamentally.
Literally in the article brief and in the second paragraph: “Electronics manufactures must from Saturday fit all devices sold in the EU with USB-C charger ports…”
I’m more disappointed that this is “news” than anything else
Yep, that’s why birdshot is basically the only safe ammo that can be shot into the air unless you’re in the middle of the ocean or something.
Are you talking about the student loans he wrote off for a small subset of people who needed it?
I’m happy for those who got it, but that’s hardly enough progress on this issue for me to give our government praise for it. Nearly all of us in the working class were still better off four years ago than we are now. Biden jacked up interest rates to address “inflation,” which increased my mortgage by around $700 a month. That’s more than what I pay in student loans, and that’s just one example.
Things seems to just get worse slower when dems are in office, not better. IAnd I’m entirely fed up with it.
They’re referring to the white buildup that happens from the aluminum in antiperspirant. Deodorant without aluminum (and therefore not an antiperspirant) won’t give this buildup.
Right, BattleEye is hit or miss depending on the game developer.
Another significant drawback I have is OBS compatibility. It technically works, but just having it open drops my framerate by ~30%, and having it record drops it by ~50%. I haven’t found a fix for it yet, so I’m effectively unable to stream or record gameplay on Linux. The same settings used in Windows hardly impacts my framerate.
I’ll continue using Linux, but I haven’t deleted my Windows partition yet.
So like half a tic tac and a stick of bubblegum. Got it
Sure, but only fourth grade logic is required to see why that’s wrong.
Trump: 50,000,000 votes
Kamala: 50,000,000 votes
Other candidates: 1,000 votes + 3,000 votes + 7,000 votes + …
When an primitive voting scheme is used that says “winner takes all and you can only vote for one candidate,” a vote for any other candidate is essentially the same as not voting unless the masses gather behind a single third party (which will never happen, especially with the internet).
A voting scheme more sophisticated that allows people to pick multiple candidates, in something like a ranked list for example, would make third party votes worth something. But that disrupts the status quo and doesn’t help career politicians, so we’ll never see that unless heads start rolling.
At absolute most, they risk losing the portion of users who use ad blockers because of this decision. They’ll certainly lose less, but are practically guaranteed to not lose more.
They probably determined that the additional ad revenue from those who used to use ad blockers was more than the revenue they’d lose from people leaving.
I don’t agree with it, but I bet that’s happening here. Personally, I’d be surprised if 20% or more of Chrome users have an ad blockers installed. Even fewer would use Revanced or the like.
Most (hopefully all) computers in industry running outdated OSs are disconnected from the internet for that exact reason.
Not necessarily. Buttons and switches introduce contact resistance, which in the case of the mushy Duracell buttons, is relatively high and also dependent on how hard they’re pressed.
Ideally, the buttons are pressed very hard to ensure the entire contact area is closed, minimizing the contact resistance from the buttons. A good switch should have little resistance.
Poorly closing the contacts by not pressing the Duracell buttons very hard would result in higher contact resistance (because there’s physically less contact between both halves of the switch), which means less current flows through the strip and less heat is generated. This would look identical to a deader battery with the buttons pressed well.
I figure the ads are just cached from earlier. I took this picture a few hours after I finished setting up my pfBlockerNG feeds and changing my DNS to AdGuard’s public one.
If nothing else, this ad certainly reaffirmed my decision to update our network.