I just read that as well. Or there’s just no witnesses. Also read something that they stop attacking if the boat stops.
I just read that as well. Or there’s just no witnesses. Also read something that they stop attacking if the boat stops.
Okay. Don’t stop there Alabama. So if an embryo is now a child, let’s talk now about dependents and tax exemptions, protective services, custodial rights and responsibilities, welfare benefits, insurance requirements, HOV rules, census counts, adoption and fostering rules, school districts and education funds, estate planning and probate… You wanted to open Pandora’s damn box - now every piece of state legislation that involves a child now needs to be adjusted.
Might get interesting in the news as questions arise over what the new guidelines are. But of course they won’t get addressed. Of course, of course.
Wow that sounds extensive enough to where there should be an expectation of higher pay. There’s an argument that for civic duties such as jury duty or political positions, pay should not incentivize prople to seek those duties or positions or you attract the wrong candidates…but I dont really believe thats true. Still, kudos to you for taking on a front line job like that - I’ve been to the ER a few times and the environment is just so surreal and depressing. I cant imagine the daily amounts of human suffering that you are exposed to. That’d be enough to justify the weed IMO.
On another note, you should totally do an AMA.
Had the same question when I read the headline and this was super informative. Out of curiosity, do 911 operators have to pass extensive background checks and psych exams to be able to access those databases? Also, I’ve heard the pay was abysmal - is that still true?
This Reuters article has a breakdown on the nine candidates:
ALEXANDER STUBB The 55-year-old, multilingual presidential front-runner Alexander Stubb of the National Coalition Party is known as a pro-European, who previously served as prime minister and foreign minister and as a member of the European Parliament. In 2017, Stubb left Finnish politics to become vice president of the European Investment Bank and later director at the European University Institute in Florence, before returning to contest the presidential election.
PEKKA HAAVISTO Liberal Pekka Haavisto, a Green League member and former United Nations diplomat, has run for president twice before, in 2012 and 2018, both times finishing second behind retiring President Sauli Niinisto. The 65-year-old centre-left front-runner Haavisto served as Finland’s foreign minister from 2019 to 2023 and held other ministerial positions before that. If elected, Haavisto would become Finland’s first openly gay president.
JUSSI HALLA-AHO Nationalist Jussi Halla-aho, former Finns Party leader and now parliament speaker, is a stern critic of the EU and immigration who was fined by the country’s Supreme Court for racist remarks in 2012. A divisive figure, Halla-aho is third in polls and rising, being particularly popular among young people.
OLLI REHN Bank of Finland Governor and ECB governing council member on leave of absence, Olli Rehn, 61, is a member of the Centre Party and former EU economy commissioner. The latest polls have placed him fourth with 12% support.
Other candidates include Social Democrat EU Commissioner Jutta Urpilainen, Christian Democrat party leader Sari Essayah, Left Alliance leader Li Andersson, academic Mika Aaltola and businessman Harry Harkimo.
I literally thought Spirit airlines too. Sometimes there’s partnerships where a segment might be operated by a smaller regional company so thought that was the case at first glance.
This is what you get when fuck with the pure equation.
Locks you out if it detects an Android device on you or any of your passengers.
I agree with you on this one. There’s public sentiment and then there’s market reality. The hard truth is that most people have a need for a practical flight route within a certain window and there’s limited choices. Delta, United, etc. only have so many aircraft servicing so many routes and they already bought the aircraft and have to use them. While I’d personally like to avoid the 737 MAX, if it’s the only feasible choice, then that’s the one I gotta roll the dice on. I guess I’ll avoid window seats if possible.
I don’t see the 737 Max being taken off the market even with these options and rebranding wont help as airlines will still list the new model which will be publicly announced by Boeing. So what’s the market adjustment going to be? Cheaper fare? I can honestly see people surging to buy a seat on this deathcraft if prices fall enough. It’ll be like choosing between organic and pesticide-riddled.
Yeah I think people might be more thinking automation vs AI or AI automation. Two different scales but similar elements.
I had to look this up, and this is so nuts, but there are currently 12 states that stilll have sodomy laws as of late 2023: Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas.
I think a lot of people might not realize that sodomy is often legally defined as anything that is not PIV intercourse. So most foreplay and obviously any sex practiced by homosexual couples. I absolutely don’t get why there isn’t a stronger push to get rid of this and other dumb laws against offenses that are widely committed and/or are hard to enforce.
Well I guess this one kind of makes sense in this current state of political turmoil.
Who can blame them. Amongst many other negative factors towards being pregnant, giving birth, and raising a child, China also has the Elderly Rights Law where you legally have to care for AND visit your elderly parents. Defying this law can result in fines or jail time.
Additionally, China has been flip-flopsy in this matter and not that long ago, too. The article mentioned a lady who was fined for having too many kids under their 1-child policy and who is now undrrstandably pissed at seeing govt requests to have more kids. I’d feel a certain way too.
Same for online recipes. The content you want is never at the top.
2nd option: “I saw who broke into your car. Call me at (leave fake #)”
With the government executing this message to our youth, I think they’ll work as well as the anti-piracy ones back in the day.
You Wouldn’t Steal a Car