The difference between per capita and / 1000 is a factor of 1000. It has the same result visually. Also you’re trying to fit a lot of data into one graph, if you want people to understand it it has to be easy to understand.
Diese ganze Hetzkampagne gegen die Grünen ist auch unglaublich unprofessionell, vor allem wenn er es gleichzeitig nicht schafft starke Worte gegen die AfD zu bringen.
Goodbye ssh access
Or right click the back button
I wanted to see for myself and it looks like the spectra of the sun and moon are fairly similar:
Looks pretty similar I gotta say
That being said, the intensity is of course much lower of the light reflected from the moon.
Why would you want to have two homes in the same city? It’s hard enough finding one apartment, if people go around having multiple accommodations, it’s just unfair for everyone else.
Meanwhile, German cities are working autonomously to make it more bicycle and pedestrian friendly. Jesus Christ FDP. I wonder if SPD and Grüne knew what an asshole Wissing is.
Munich is handling it really well in my opinion. They have rules for homeowners, which are that an apartment cannot be empty for more than 3 months, cannot be used (fully) as an office (of course you can have an office in your apartment) and that the apartment can be used as vacation home for a maximum of 8 weeks per year. I just checked Airbnb again and the offers are sparse.
If Airbnb would be used by renters to offer their home in times where they aren’t there themselves, then it’s a great concept. However capitalism fucked everything over and now it’s just used to generate income by rich people who can afford to buy accommodation.
It’s really useful for programming. It’s not always right but it has good approaches and you can ask it to write tedious parts of your code like long switch statements. Most of my programming problems were solved because I just explained the problem like Rubber Duck Debugging.
I think it would help if people used the cross posting feature
Denying entry for people in need can’t be the answer. Honestly, it’s unfair that we were lucky enough to be born into a stable country. It’s unfair that other people have to live under dictators looking only for their personal interest. It’s unfair that people have to live under the consequences of global power struggles and it’s also unfair that Western countries exploit other nations and then don’t lend assistance when everything turns to shit.
How can you justify sending away these people that are fleeing from warzones or due to global warming. They are losing family and their homes and yet, they spent their life worrying while we can go to restaurants, cafes, play in parks, go hiking, swimming or biking without ever having to worry.
Leaning into the immigration policy of the right cannot be the answer, there has to be another solution.
You can’t pin that on the voter because not voting for the democrats is effectively voting for the republicans. It’s a problem of the two party system
Yeah I’ve been on bupropion for about 1.5 years. Had an increased heart rate in the beginning as well so we started at a very low dosis, then went up step by step. However the side effects vanished after 2 months. I don’t feel hyper active, I just don’t feel super low anymore. It doesn’t make the depression go away but it allows me to work on it, because otherwise I couldn’t even get out of bed
There are amphetamine antidepressants. You can ask your doctor about it (e.g. bupropion, which is not addictive).
You got it pretty much on point. Shooting a laser at atoms is like shooting a machine gun at an indestructible target. If it moves towards you, you can slow it down. But preventing it from accelerating when the target is stationary is where quantum mechanics comes in. That is your explanation: The laser light only acts as a force when the light is resonant with the atom and the Doppler effect means that the resonance condition changes depending on the speed of the atoms.
Here is a clip of a talk show where Robert Habeck of the green party explains why nuclear is not ecological:
I think it is clear for most people that nuclear is not sustainable and only a short term solution. Now is actually a great opportunity to push for renewable energies also because it is important to get a foot into the market before China takes it all.
Given that you probably are using pointers, and occasionally you are allocating memory, smart pointers handle deallocation for you. And yes, you can do it yourself but it is prone to errors and maybe sometimes you forget a case and memory doesn’t get deallocated and suddenly there is a leak in the program.
When you’re there, shared_ptr is used when you want to store the pointer in multiple locations, unique_ptr when you only want to have one instance of the pointer (you can move it around though).
Smart pointers are really really nice, I do recommend getting used to them (and all other features from c++11 forward).
Adding to what DmMacniel said, it’s a hardware interface, often accessed via a USB port (which after all, is the universal serial bus).
Debian stable is always outdated and testing is not stable enough. I think Debian is good for servers but not for desktop.