There probably a little more fire for this because the USA is directly responsible for the genocide. As a matter of fact if we did nothing the world would be a better place, and even better if we did something else.
I don’t recall the human rights abuses in North Korea being a direct result of us intervention.
Everything happens because someone somewhere did something, and sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s good. The US does have a lot of questionable involvement in other countries historically, but so does every other large country, like china, and russia. So i’m not sure how unique that is.
I mean hell, look at japanese history during the second world war.
evidently not, but then again, if there was no sin in the world, sin couldn’t possibly exist could it? There would be no bad, or good, only things. But it does exist, so evidently, people must be doing it.
Seems like it must be a constant of life. Especially when you look at other species of animals. Morality and ethics is an arbitrarily defined human scope. It’s nothing more, nothing less.
I was talking about the US leveling 95% of the buildings in what is now the DPRK. That put the North at a pretty big disadvantage economically, and hard economic times often lead to despots.
i mean yeah, but if we’re going to root cause, it would necessarily be japan im certain. They were the ones invading china/korea at the time. The US wasn’t even involved until the end of the war.
they abuse human rights whether or not people give them money.
This has been demonstrated since the beginning of north korea. Giving them western money might prevent them from spending western money on shit like nukes. But they will still abuse human rights.
so like, should we do something about north korea? They have a lot of human rights abuses?
Just trying to be complete here, since the meme here is that they’re brown people we don’t have to care about them.
yes, you can start by not funding north korea. oh look, mission accomplished! now do Israel, you disingenuous ass.
funding them would only cause more human rights abuse though wouldn’t it?
That’s the whole argument that north korea uses. Their population will starve and famine if nobody gives them aid money.
is this AI, what the hell are you even arguing right now
u wish
I’ll take that as a yes
There probably a little more fire for this because the USA is directly responsible for the genocide. As a matter of fact if we did nothing the world would be a better place, and even better if we did something else.
I don’t recall the human rights abuses in North Korea being a direct result of us intervention.
that’s pretty much a history of the world though.
Everything happens because someone somewhere did something, and sometimes it’s bad, sometimes it’s good. The US does have a lot of questionable involvement in other countries historically, but so does every other large country, like china, and russia. So i’m not sure how unique that is.
I mean hell, look at japanese history during the second world war.
Just because others do something evil, it does not absolve you of your sins.
evidently not, but then again, if there was no sin in the world, sin couldn’t possibly exist could it? There would be no bad, or good, only things. But it does exist, so evidently, people must be doing it.
Seems like it must be a constant of life. Especially when you look at other species of animals. Morality and ethics is an arbitrarily defined human scope. It’s nothing more, nothing less.
I wouldn’t say that the US had nothing to do with it, though. The Korean Civil War was brutal for the south, but it was even more so for the north.
the US was involved but i think strictly in support of the south korean side?
From what i can remember it was basically japan that ended up putting korea into the position where was to form north korea.
I was talking about the US leveling 95% of the buildings in what is now the DPRK. That put the North at a pretty big disadvantage economically, and hard economic times often lead to despots.
this would’ve been due to the japanese invasion though right?
Even then, still doesnt excuse human rights violations, to the level that NK does.
I never said it excused them, but it does to some degree explain them.
i mean yeah, but if we’re going to root cause, it would necessarily be japan im certain. They were the ones invading china/korea at the time. The US wasn’t even involved until the end of the war.
Probably should stop providing them the means to abuse human rights
they abuse human rights whether or not people give them money.
This has been demonstrated since the beginning of north korea. Giving them western money might prevent them from spending western money on shit like nukes. But they will still abuse human rights.
Yes and one of America’s main things we’re protesting against wrt Israel is that we’re funding their crimes against humanity